May 27, 2024

Israeli Startup To Showcase AI Cancer Tool At Top Oncology Summit

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An Israeli company whose AI platform helps oncologists decide the optimum treatment for their patients has been selected to present at the annual meeting of the prestigious American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), which begins on May 31.

The annual ASCO gathering is the world’s largest meeting for cancer research, drawing thousands of oncologists from all across the globe.

OncoHost’s presentation at the Chicago conference will focus on its proprietary PROphet platform, which uses AI to scan up to 7,000 proteins in a patient’s blood in a single test, to see how receptive that person would be to immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI)-based therapies to treat their tumors.  

The immune system contains “checkpoints” to prevent it from attacking cancer cells too strongly, as this would also potentially damage nearby healthy cells.

Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) suppress this action and allow the immune system to attack the cancer cells, but they are only effective in less than 40 percent of patients.

“ICIs represent a key treatment modality for a growing number of cancer types, but a gap exists in the availability of predictive tests that can accurately identify patients likely to benefit from these therapies. Our PROphet platform offers a solution,” said OncoHost CEO Ofer Sharon, MD.

“This research highlights the adaptability of PROphet as we work to provide treatment guidance for multiple indications. I am proud of our team’s commitment to improving outcomes for cancer patients worldwide and the ongoing impact of our work in the oncology field,” he said.